Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Third Week of Recovery

Not napping as much as I did the week previous weeks and I am able to do a bit more.

Finally I was able to sleep in my own bed!!!  All is well in the my world again. 

The weather this week has been totally awesome and made walking outside fantastic.  I started off with .5   mile walk for a couple of days, then 1 mile and then finally two miles.  I had been walking two miles almost everyday for eight months prior to my after surgery and one of my goals was to get back to walking two miles again.  I had a great nap this walk and for days after I lost my get up and go.

I still wasn't up to go to painting class so the girls from our Wednesday night painting class came to me.  What a nice surprise!

I was not as weepy this week has I had been in the first couple of weeks but still have my moments.

At the end of the week I thought that I could try to do a few things around the house,  dust mopping the floors was okay but I should not have tried to wash the floors when I tried to squeeze out the mop I knocked over the pail of water.  You can imagine what I said when this happened, the air was a little blue to say the least.  I think it was trying to mop up the water that done me in.  It had taken me a couple of days to recoup after this ordeal.  One of which I won't repeat for a while.

My Second Week of Recovery

The second week was much as the same as the first.  Still sleeping on the couch, napping a couple of times a day.  I had to go see my family doctor to have my staples removed - 25 in all.  A couple of those staples made my toes curl back when they were being removed.  I also had my blood pressure taken during this visit and discovered for the first time in a very long time my it was on the low side.  Now I know why I was feeling cold all the time and light headed if I got up quickly.

I still was unable to drive this week because one I did not have the energy to drive and secondly I could not make an emergency stop without it hurting.  I am so thankful I had Melanie drive me to my doctor appointment and on Wednesday to get my haircut.

On Saturday Melanie and I went grocery shopping what a long two hours, yes I said two hours who would have know it would takes us so long.  I felt like I was going in slow motion for the better part of this outing and had to have a nap when I got home.

I was able to walk to the corner and back, I am so thankful the weather has been nice for me to get out walking.

I also found myself weepy again this week but got through it with lots of hugs and support from my family and friends.

Friday, March 23, 2012

My First Week of Recovery

The first week at home went well and it wasn't at all what I had read on the internet.  In fact it was better than I had expected.

I  had to sleep on the couch and I am thankful that it is recliner because I could get in the perfect position and sleep comfortably.  I slept a lot this week but I continued to walk around the house.  Everyone took me for short walks outside.

I would have to have a nap after everything I had done, showers, walks.  I had read horror stories on the internet where people had their kidney removed and how they couldn't even eat without having a nap or how they could not function.  I found it to be just the opposite.  Yes I was tired and yes after I did somethings I needed a nap but I did not feel as bad as what I thought I would.

The one thing that I did do was get weepy and I think it was because everything was finally hitting home.  After I was diagnosed I did not stop and take time for me.  I deal with things better if I keep busy and now that I was home I had time to think and reflect on the last few months.  My family really helped me get through these weepy times by just giving lots of hugs and support from family and friends.

I took pain meds for the first four days at home and during the last couple of days I weened myself off the pain meds.  They really did not make me feel very good.

Do's and Dont's:

No heavy lifting, strenuous physical activity or exercise, no vacuuming,  driving until you can make a sudden emergency stop without it hurting.

Nap and sleep as much as your body wants, walk around, do slight leg and feet excercises to avoid blood clots.  

My Recovery - The First Three Days

The first person I saw when I got to my room was my husband Doug and what a releif it was.  I think the hardest part was seeing the worried look on his face, it had been a very long day for Doug he did not leave the hospital until I had got settled into my hospital room.  I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck but with the help of those wonderful little injections of pain meds I was in happy land.  My nightshift nurse informed me that my left kidney was taking the load for both kidneys and was functioning well.  This was something I had not even thought of before the surgery.

The next morning my nurse had me up and walking around.  I could have eat my own arm off I was so hungry.  I had not eaten anything other than clear fluids since Wednesay Night, it was now Saturday and was told that I was not going to be eating anything until the movement of gas.  I spent the next two days walking the hallways of the hospital floor, sleeping and drinking tons of water. For pain they administered pain meds every 4 hours and the use of warm blankets on my belly really helped.

Melanie and Alex brought me lovely tulips to brighten my hospital room.  

I had a great room mate we were able to help one another through out our stay in the hospital and she helped make being there more bearable.  I also had great nurses who took care of me during my stay in the hospital. 

Sunday was a big day for me I was able to have a shower, there is nothing better in the world than to have a shower after not having one for a couple of days.  They removed the catheder and my IV had been unhooked.  In afternoon the gas came thank God I could eat!!!  When dinner arrived I was so excited until I removed the lid.  Yuck meatloaf for whatever reason I can not eat meatloaf but I did enjoy the mashed potatoes and corn.  Oh yeah and the plain teabiscuit that Doug snuck in for me.  Melanie enjoyed the meatloaf for me.

On Monday I was released from the hospital.  Melanie and Alex came to pick me up and transport me home.  Home it was wonderful to be home.

Surgery Day

On March 2, 2012 I went into the hospital to have my right kidney nephrectomy.  I have to admit I was terrified because I was so unsure of what to expect and how I would feel after the surgery.  As I was being prepped for surgery the Urogloist - Dr. Kapoor came into the opereating room and asked me how was I doing?  I expressed that I was scared and he said so am I and showed me his shaking hands.  The most wonderful thing was I drifted off into my sedated sleep laughing.  I can't think of a better way of going under anesthetic.

Three hours later Dr. Kapoor reported to Doug that everything went well.  The tunor was in fact cancerous but the good news it was encapsulated and that it had not spread to any other organs.  I was 100 percent cancer free again!!! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Decision of what to do.

I went back to see the Urologist the next week and he told me that they were not able to get to the tumor because it had not extended into the middle part of the kidney where the waste water(urine) is made but the good news was the ureter and bladder were fine and disease free.  So where do we go from here...his recommendation was to remove the kidney completely because in 80 percent of these cases the tumors are cancerous.  I asked about just removing the tumor and because of where it was located if the tumor was removed the kidney would collapse and would shrink up, die and have to be removed any way.  The kidney would be removed by laparoscopically which decreases reovery time and is less intrusive.

The Urologist left my husband and I alone to discuss our options like we really had any.  Leave the kidney with the tumor or remove the kidney and the tumor.  We decided to have the kidney removed and be 100 percent cancer free again.

Now the question was when were they going to get this thing out of me.  The good news is that kidney cancer is a slow growing cancer but I did not care I wanted to be rid of it.

I am really fortunate to have a very understanding husband who truly loves and supports me because I don't think I would have made it through this without him.  After my first bout of cancer he went to counseling with me so that we could deal with the cancer together and because we of this we were able to face this together again.

At the beginning of February I got a call at work from my husband, the mail had come and there was a letter form the Urologist can he open it.  I told him to go ahead it was my surgery date and information for my pre-op appointment.  March 2, 1012 was the date I would be cancer free again!

The Biopsy

I went for the biopsy at the end of January 2012 and unfortunately they were not able to get to the tumor through the Ureter but the good news was the bladder and the ureter looked disease free.  I had to take a week off from work after the biopsy.  The biopsy had caused my ureter to go into spasms this is normal but the pain was excruciating and seemed to go from the ureter down into the bladder.  To top off the whole experience I ended up with one good bladder infection.

I had taken lots of Tylenol. used the heating pad, sat in a hot bath and weather permitting even went into the hot tub to help decrease the pain.  I would have rather give birth 20 times over than to ever have another biopsy like this one. lol  I was really worried at this point if the biopsy hurts like this what will having my kidney removed be like.

The Waiting Game

November and most of December came and went without hearing if I was going to have anything done.  I had gone into my family doctor to get my oh so vital B-12 shot and was questioned if I had heard anything from the Urologist when I expressed I had not my doctor's wife who works in his office stated making calls to see what was going on.  All I can say is Katie is like a dog with a bone and she did not give up on trying to get things moving.  The week between Christmas and New Years the Urologist office called to say it could happen any day now so be prepared.  On December 28th I received a call from the Urologist himself we will be getting you in next week.  I went into panic mode getting all the decorations down, house scrub from top to bottom, what a let down when the next week came and went without word.  I called the Urologist office myself and asked what was going on and was told there was not an open bed for me in the hospital and I was on a waiting list.  Grrrr our great health care system!  In the meantime I had gone into my doctors office to get my B-12 shot and once Katie heard that I had not gotten in again she was faxing their office everyday asking when were they going to get things moving.

The next week I received a call a biopsy had been arranged for the end of the month and pre-op for this procedure was scheduled for the week before.

Time to get the house in order again.  My sister told me it did not have time to get dirty because every time she spoke to me I was cleaning the house.  Well it was one way to keep busy so that I would not be stewing about what was going on.

The Diagnosis

In September of  2011 I went in for my usual yearly physical and had expressed to my family doctor that my left side was sore to the touch because of the location he felt it might be water cysts again on my ovary.   He ordered an ultra sound.  I went for the test not suspecting to be told anything else but you do have water cysts.  So you can imagine my shock when my doctor told me that yes I had a water cyst but that was not what he was concerned with it was the fact that my right kidney was enlarged. my doctor had already set up an appointment for me to have CAT scan to see just what was going on. 

In October of 2012 I had the scan done and was called back to my doctor's office for the results.  There was a tumor on my right kidney just above where the ureter comes into the kidney.  It looks to be of solid mass, size irregular shape which in all likeliness is cancer.  I was reeling at this point, all I could think of not again.  I am so glad my husband Doug was with me for this appointment because I know I had not heard anything after hearing the word cancer.  Although I had heard the words "you have cancer" before it does make it any easier the second time around. 

Lucky for me I have the best family doctor in the world because he was able to get me in quickly to see the best Urologist in the country.  So in November of 2011 I went to see the best Urologist and once again Doug come with me.  I was shown the scan and the tumor that was growing on my kidney.  I was told that there was an 80 percent chance it was kidney cancer and that in all likeliness they would have to remove the kidney.  They wanted to do a biopsy first to determine if in fact it was cancer or not.  I was told that they would get me in for the biopsy by the end of the month and that I would be in having a right nephrectomy (right kidney removal) in December or January.

The hardest part of this news was having to confirm our fears to our children (20 year old daughter and 18 year old son) and my family.  It was especially hard because my dad had just passed away this past summer and we were still dealing with his passing when we are hit with another blow.  Our children were shaken by the news but said I wasn't going anywhere because I had to much bitching and complaining to do yet.  My mom and sister took the news very hard.  I remember telling my mom and her saying why you and why now haven't we have enough shit to deal with this year.  My sister called me and was crying before I even answered the phone thank God for caller id because I would have thought it was an obscene caller.  All my sister could say was "I don't know what to say"  I had assured her that everything was going to be okay because the kids told me I had too much bitching and complaining to do, she actually laughed at this.