Saturday, March 2, 2013

My One Year Anniversary

Today marks my one year anniversary of being Cancer free!!!  I am not sure where the year has gone and I am so glad I am able to write this posting because I know of two fellow kidney cancer warriors who lost their courageous battle this year:(
Things that I am so grateful for…
Having the best surgeon take care of me last year so that I can still be here to enjoy life with my family and friends especially our new grand daughter – Charlotte.
Having the most loving and caring husband-Doug who stood by me through this cancer and having the compassion to make a doctor's appointment to have me signed out of work so that I could properly heal.
Having my children who remind me everyday of how much they love me and remind me that I am not going anywhere because I have too much nagging to do.
Having my blood pressure remain on the low side because most often persons who loose a kidney suffer from high blood pressure.
Having met some great folks from Kidney Cancer Canada who have supported me and I in return have supported them.
I have been able to scratch an item off my bucket list…the slingshot at Canada’s Wonderland.  I think that I would however like to take it for another spin.   
Having two wonderful, strong, courageous role models my Grandma Abbott (who battled cancer) and my Mom (who has lived with Primary Biliary Cirrohis - liver disease for the past 16 years).  They have taught me how to face and battle this dreadful disease.
Things that I have learnt this year…
To stop and take care of myself once in a while because the world around me does not stop just because I do.   (I still think it might)
Humor is still my best friend and without it I really don’t know how I would have coped through this cancer scare. 
It is ok to lose your super woman powers because you can always find a new super woman cape to wear.
I love being a Grandma!!! This new role is truly one the most amazing experience I have ever had especially having the privilege of witnessing the birth of Charlotte.
Melanie is a wonderful new mom and that Charlotte is a very lucky little girl. 
Alex can cope and survive just fine while he is away going at school and that I truly miss him when he is not home.
One should never try to mop the floors after only two weeks after surgery that dam bucket might fall over spilling water everywhere which takes forever to clean up. 
I have a great group of friends especially the girls who I paint with every week we all had a rough year and I know that without this night it would have been an even more difficult year with out all of you. 
Things that I would I would like to do this year…
Just Enjoy Life!
Enjoy celebrating Doug’s and my 25th Wedding anniversary in October.  We will be going to Disney World to start the celebration by going back to our honeymoon spot and no Doug I am not wearing the Tinker Bell costume lol  We wanted to celebrate our 25th by doing a Mediterranean cruise but with the unrest over in that area we will do smaller trips and enjoying them just as much.
Last but not least try to not get scanxiety before my May Cat scan and Doctor’s appt to find out the result of the scan.  Sometimes this is easier said than done.  

Wishing all readers of my blog much health and happiness.